Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Nolinas Are Blooming In Hidden Valley

May is certainly one of the best times to visit the desert. Practically everything seems to be blooming: The area is festooned with Lemon yellow Desert Senna, Bright red Indian Paintbrush, Blue-purple Parish Larkspur, Grape-purple Desert Lupine, Soft violet Wild Heliotrope, Bright yellow Paper Daisy, and golden Sunflowers among others.  The weather is perfect right now, cool in the morning, in the 80's during the day and lovely at night, you simply can't beat it.  We took the Hidden Valley Nature Trail just before sunset the other night and what a beautiful sight to behold. The Nolinas are in full bloom and look like golden flames when back lit by the setting sun. Try to go either early morning or late afternoon for best light. It's one of the best 1 mile hikes in the park with a great variety of plant life and rock formations. We always take our guests there and they never fail to love the walk.

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